Dear Readers,
Last week a blue whale washed up on a SoCal beach. 140 tons. Turns out its back was broken -- multiple bones were broken and it had a huge bruise on its back.
No ship is taking credit for the "kill," but we have a lot of Navy ships around here. They are fast and silent and their sailors tell no tales (except tall ones).
Today is the last day to submit a statement regarding the U.S. Navy's newest proposal for their continued poisoning of the Pacific Ocean. Below is the statement I submitted.
How to submit a statement:
Statements can be emailed to:
They can also be posted online to:
Re: Hawaii Range Complex Environmental Impact Statement:
September 17th, 2007
To Whom It May Concern, US Government:
I just have NO IDEA who might have written the statement shown below, but I wish to submit it as my opposition statement to the proposed poisoning of nearly one quarter million square miles (unfenced) of the Pacific Ocean by the United States Navy.
Sincerely Yours,
Russell "Ace" Hoffman, Carlsbad, California (images added 2025)
September 13th, 2007
Death is upon us. A rogue army is maneuvering to destroy our planet. Its name is Navy.
U.S. Navy.
Step by step by step over the past decade, the military has asked for -- and received --enormous exemptions from caring for humanity. Environmental laws everyone else must obey -- laws which save lives -- mean nothing to them. No longer are they required to obey their civilian leaders. No longer are they required to atone for sins they commit. No longer are they culpable for YOUR death.
You, who they WERE charged to protect.
You, who WERE to be their masters.
You, who FUNDS them.
Citizens of the United States: Rise up! Rise up against your oppressors! Rise up against the randomization of death! Rise up against the destruction of YOUR HOMELAND!
Rise up against the U.S. Navy!
A decade ago, the United States military was granted an exemption from environmental laws. The U.S. Navy is the most egregious -- and dirty -- of all militaries in history. They kill their own sailors, with radiation, with chemicals used in warfare, with chemicals used to keep their ships "ship-shape."
My friends are dying. Your friends are dying. You and I are dying because we cannot -- no, because we WILL NOT -- rein in these cutthroats.
The Navy's most recent crime involves directly poisoning nearly a quarter of a million square miles of "open ocean" -- where our fish grow, where our whales and dolphins frolic, where earth's balancing life develops. No fence will keep the poisons in the designated area.
They will use radiation weapons, Directed Energy Laser Weapons, pressure (concussive and / or vacuum (over- / under-pressure) killing devices, and nearly 150 other kinds of "toys."
These are the same guys who brought you Bikini, Eniwetok, and Rongelap. All radiation-poisoned islands.
The same guys who pollute Vieques, Puerto Rico with Depleted Uranium -- as well as Okinawa and various sites on the U.S. mainland. And Iraq. And Kosovo. And Afghanistan. And tomorrow? Iran.
The same guys who lie about how many of their own -- their submarine sailors -- are dying of brain tumors as their payment for service aboard nuclear submarines.
Hail the U.S. Navy! Professional killers! Professional planet-destroyers! Professional liars! Professionals in every way.
Damn the torpedos. Damn the missiles. Damn the truth. Damn the citizens they claim to protect. Damn us all.
Damn the U.S. Navy: Killers of U. S. citizens. Killers of the planet. Killers of us all.
(Written by a patriotic citizen.)
Presented online by Ace Hoffman. Contact information below:
Ace Hoffman
Carlsbad, California USA
Author, The Code Killers:
An Expose of the Nuclear Industry
Free download:
Email: ace [at]
Founder & Owner, The Animated Software Company