Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heavy Voting in "The Economist" Nuclear Debate NOW!!!!

April 14th, 2011

Dear Readers,

Okay, this is urgent. The pro-nuclear industry is doing everything THEY can to "stack the deck" in the voting at THE ECONOMIST.

Shouldn't we do the same?

Shown below is the World Nuclear Association's letter, which JUST ARRIVED (April 14th, 2011, 9:55 AM PST)


Ace Hoffman, Carlsbad, California USA

P.S. Pay attention to the last line of the letter below and be sure to vote correctly to represent "our" point of view! Oh yeah, and obviously, don't bother reading the "debate", that ended March 11th, 2011 -- and I'm sure Mr. Cloke (his real name, I presume) doesn't expect you too, either. Perhaps The Economist does. Perhaps I will.

Dear colleagues

On Tuesday I wrote to inform you that "The Economist" is conducting an online debate on the future of nuclear power, to be found at:

The debate is now in the final hours, and it appears that last-minute voting is quite heavy.

WNA's Ian Hore-Lacy has presented the pro-nuclear case, and the anti-nuclear case has been presented by Tom Burke, formerly of Friends of the Earth.

Guest commentators have been Mark Lynas supporting nuclear energy and Amory Lovins opposing it.

There have also been several hundreds of recorded comments on the motion that "This house believes that the world would be better off without nuclear power."

If you haven't voted yet, please consider doing so. The anti-nuclear vote is for the motion, and the pro-nuclear vote is against the motion.

Stuart Cloke
WNA Director of Administration and Finance

Copyright © 2011 World Nuclear Association, All rights reserved.
World Nuclear News
Our mailing address is:
World Nuclear Association
Carlton House, 22a St James's Square
London, Westminster SW1Y4JH

Ace Hoffman
Carlsbad, California USA
Author, The Code Killers:
An Expose of the Nuclear Industry
Free download:
Email: ace [at]
Founder & Owner, The Animated Software Company

1 comment:

  1. how can we drop depleted uranium bombs on a country we are supposedly helping because their leader is committing crimes against HUMANITY? when privet corporate companies are aloud to indirectly kill millions of HUMAN AND WILDLIFE AND ENVIRONMENT...
    and how come nobody wants to do anything about it, their millions of us and only a small handful of them.. the time to do more than just write letters or take votes is now, by whatever means necessary. are WE going to just keep putting it off on our CHILDREN !!!!

    Jay Agenbroad California


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