Sunday, September 22, 2024

Is the world edging closer to nuclear war? Or are RFK Jr & DJT Jr crazy appeasers who spew lies and propaganda for Putin?

There is no way to describe how wrong RFK jr and DJT jr are in the OpEd shown below and published five days ago in The Hill.

The whole thing serves as nothing more than a propaganda piece for Putin. It is one lie after another, such as where the two traitors imply that Biden somehow "allowed" Putin to invade Ukraine, saying it was: "a war that should never have been allowed to take place."

The war wasn't "allowed." Not by Biden or anyone else -- except Putin, who went to war of his own accord.

The craziness in the Op-Ed gets worse, saying that the Biden-Harris administration: "is instead pursuing a policy that Russia says it will interpret as an act of war." Putin says a lot of things. Nothing he says needs to be further re-interpreted by the two junior clowns.

Besides, Putin is NOT saying it to Biden or Harris. He's saying it to anyone who will listen. So why listen? Only these two clowns listen, and accidentally tell us Putin is scared out his wits -- but they don't word it that way because they don't understand it that way. They say Putin thinks the allies giving Ukraine the ability to have "long-range strikes in Russia" means the U.S. and "European countries -- are at war with Russia." They're not more specific about which countries they think Putin is referring to, presumably to avoid using the acronym "NATO".

If Putin really thinks the U. S. and our allies are all "at war with Russia" he will be very surprised if his fantasy of war with the U. S. and our allies ever comes true. It won't be pretty (but Putin will probably miss most of it anyway).

Clown One and Clown Two then say that: "some American analysts believe Putin is bluffing..."

Well, yeah. Because that's what Putin does. He lies, he bluffs, and he's vindictive, vicious and vile. So how do the Two Clowns know if he's bluffing or not?

Putin can be sure of one thing: America is not bluffing. Our response if Putin invades a NATO country will be the end of Putin. Not sure what else might happen, but we will be at war with Russia, and I don't see a good outcome for Putin in that situation, and you can be sure of one thing:

Neither does Putin.

The Two Clowns claim the unnamed American analysts are "mistaking restraint for weakness." But Putin has NOT been acting "with restraint" at all in Ukraine! He bombs civilians, and he even bombed a dam that flooded tens of thousands of homes and removed the primary source of cooling water for the nuclear reactors his forces overran early in the war. He bombs power stations, schools, hospitals...where's the restraint? From the beginning of Putin's unprovoked attack, he has been using nuclear sites within Ukraine to hold the world hostage, and threatening to use nuclear weapons.

So IS the world drawing "closer to Armageddon" as the Two Clowns profess? If it is, it's NOT because Ukraine has successfully defended itself for over two and a half years in a war Putin said wasn't even a war and would only last a few days. And it's NOT because America or NATO is at war with Russia -- because we aren't. Putin gets weapons and materiel from China, Iran, North Korea, Turkey, and probably several other countries. Who is he to complain that Ukraine gets weapons from anyone?

And claiming we're on Ukraine's side "for the minerals" is just plain petty. Maybe we're in it for the wheat the world needs. Putin should stop his war for that reason alone!

If anyone is advocating a strategy of brinkmanship (the correct word they meant to use) it is Putin, and he should back down from a war he cannot, and must not, win. It is Putin who needs to take John F. Kennedy's advice from 1963, and avoid nuclear war.

Is backing down too humiliating for Putin? In that case (as these clowns could have said), Putin should never have started his war in the first place. Putin's humiliation is Putin's problem, not ours, and certainly not Ukraine's.

America did not threaten to "go nuclear" -- Putin did. Ukraine voluntarily gave up its nuclear weapons and Russia should, too.

America is not the least bit interested in "going nuclear" because we know exactly what that would be like. Putin knows too, so why is he threatening it? Who knows? Who cares? More to the point, why are these surrogates for the Republican Party candidate for President telling us to appease the monster in the Kremlin?

Lastly, the Two Clowns claim that "Former President Donald Trump has vowed to end this war..." (They must have gagged a bit at having to put the word "former" there!)

Trump bluffs. Trump lies. He's vindictive, vicious and vile. Trump doesn't have even a concept of a plan to end either the war in Ukraine (besides appeasement to Putin) or the war in the Middle East (besides kissing up to Bibi).

All Trump has ever had is empty promises. To that extent, he's just like Putin, but with less than half the brains and none of the experience (he played golf more than he listened it intelligence briefings while in office).

The Two Clowns are either complete idiots, complete liars, or both. The editors should be ashamed of themselves for publishing their drivel. While it is true that publications should report a variety of opinions, they should not tolerate bucket-loads of inaccurate information, especially on important topics like nuclear war.

Ace Hoffman, Carlsbad, California USA

Disclosure: Years ago, the author developed and sold software (but not to Russia!) that potentially had military applications.

Addendum added September 25, 2024, after CNN reported that Zelenskyy warned that Putin is planning attacks on Ukraine's NPPs:

Clearly Putin's goal is to thrust Ukraine into darkness, since he's been bombing all the other kinds of power stations, including hydro and FF. He undoubtedly also wants to redirect the defense forces of Ukraine to protect the NPPs, to get them away from other places. I think that might be the main reason for the threat, actually.

If he has any plans to go through with it, my guess is he plans to do it in a way that gives Ukraine a chance to shut down without a meltdown -- such as by blowing the connections, not the reactor itself. That might work...

And of course there is always the chance that will cause a meltdown anyway...perhaps it's a risk Putin is willing to take, or perhaps it's "just" another threat since he knows he's losing power the longer his war goes on.

I despise Putin but hope he has a little compassion for the whole world...or enough for himself not to do anything THAT stupid!


Don't vote for Putin's puppet!

Alexander Litvinenko, killed by Putin after leaving the KGB and being granted British citizenship. Putin's agents used less than a millionth of a gram of Polonium-210 to cause Litvinenko's body to disintegrate over a period of a few agonizing weeks. PO-210 has a half-life of about 138 days.

Crossroads "Baker" 1946

Dominic: "Swordfish" Christmas Island, 1962


Negotiate with Moscow to end the Ukraine war and prevent nuclear devastation
by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump Jr., opinion contributors - 09/17/24 7:30 AM ET

At a time when American leaders should be focused on finding a diplomatic off-ramp to a war that should never have been allowed to take place, the Biden-Harris administration is instead pursuing a policy that Russia says it will interpret as an act of war. In the words of Vladimir Putin, long-range strikes in Russia “will mean that NATO countries — the United States and European countries — are at war with Russia.”

Some American analysts believe Putin is bluffing, and favor calling his bluff. As the Times reported, “‘Easing the restrictions on Western weapons will not cause Moscow to escalate,’17 former ambassadors and generals wrote in a letter to the administration this week. ‘We know this because Ukraine is already striking territory Russia considers its own — including Crimea and Kursk — with these weapons and Moscow’s response remains unchanged.’”

These analysts are mistaking restraint for weakness. In essence, they are advocating a strategy of brinksmanship. Each escalation — from HIMARS to cluster munitions to Abrams tanks to F-16s to ATACMS — draws the world closer to the brink of Armageddon. Their logic seems to be that if you goad a bear five times and it doesn’t respond, it is safe to goad him even harder a sixth time.

Such a strategy might be reasonable if the bear had no teeth. The hawks in the Biden administration seem to have forgotten that Russia is a nuclear power. They have forgotten the wisdom of John F. Kennedy, who said in 1963, “Nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war.”

We should take this advice seriously. Putin has signaled numerous times that Russia would use nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances. In September 2022, Putin said, “If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will without doubt use all available means to protect Russia and our people — this is not a bluff.” In March 2023, he struck a deal with Belarus to station tactical nuclear weapons there. Earlier this month, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov announced that Russia would be amending its nuclear doctrine in response to Western involvement in the Ukraine war.

Imagine if Russia were providing another country with missiles, training and targeting information to strike deep into American territory. The U.S. would never tolerate it. We shouldn’t expect Russia to tolerate it either.

This game of nuclear “chicken” has gone far enough. There is no remaining step between firing U.S. missiles deep into Russian territory and a nuclear exchange. We cannot get any closer to the brink than this.

And for what? To “weaken Russia”? To control Ukraine’s minerals? No vital American interest is at stake. To risk nuclear conflict for the sake of the neoconservative fantasy of global “full-spectrum dominance” is madness.

The war fever in the U.S. foreign policy establishment is at such a pitch that it is hard to tell whether they believe their own rhetoric. In last Tuesday’s debate, Vice President Kamala Harris conjured up images of Russian forces rolling across Europe. Surely she must know how absurd that is. For one thing, Russia can barely wrest a few provinces from Ukraine, which is by no means one of Europe’s great powers.

Secondly, Russia made its war aims very clear at the outset — most notably Ukrainian neutrality and a halt to NATO’s eastward expansion. Hundreds of thousands of lost lives, and hundreds of billions of dollars later, no one is better off — not Europe, not America and certainly not Ukraine.

It is past time to de-escalate this conflict. This is more important than any of the political issues our nation argues about. Nuclear war would mean the end of civilization as we know it, maybe even the end of the human species.

Former President Donald Trump has vowed to end this war, but by the time he takes office, it might be too late. We need to demand, right now, that Harris and President Biden reverse their insane war agenda and open direct negotiations with Moscow.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an environmental lawyer and public health advocate. Donald Trump Jr. is executive vice president of the Trump Organization.

Tags Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Joe Biden Joe Biden John F. Kennedy Kamala Harris nuclear war Russia Ukraine Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin

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