Friday, January 26, 2018

Fwd: CEP Special Meeting - Petition - (Request for signatures by San Diego stakeholders) - Petition by Roger Johnson, (San Clemente) Professor Emeritus

(Forwarded by Ace Hoffman)

From: Patricia Borchmann <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 14:26:25 -0800
Subject: CEP Special Meeting - Petition - (Request for signatures by San Diego
stakeholders) - Petition by Roger Johnson, (San Clemente) Professor Emeritus

To my 48 blind carbon copy recipient friends in Escondido and San Diego county who share safety concerns about Edison's ISFSI at San Onofre, for indefinite onsite nuclear spent fuel storage on exposed coastline, only 108' feet from seawall : fyi -

My long time friend, stakeholder counterpart Roger Johnson (from San Clemente) seeks signatures from San Diego stakeholders on his Petition for San Onofre stakeholders in reactor communities to request a Special CEP Panel Meeting asap, due to the urgency of Edison's ongoing progress to place HOLTEC Umax containers of spent nuclear fuel into ISFSI, located partially underground on exposed coastline at San Onofre.

The digital file containing the Petition (prepared by Roger Johnson) is contained in digital file attachment. Roger Johnson is professor emeritus, with decades of experience, and technical expertise on San Onofre public health and safety issues.

Please preview proposed Petition at earliest opportunity. If you concur and wish to sign via electronic signature, please respond directly by email to Roger Johnson, to notify him of your consent to use electronic signature for the CEP Panel Petition, by remote users in San Diego County.

Roger is collecting signatures from stakeholders in Orange County, and LA County. If you know others in San Diego, or Riverside, or Imperial counties who would like to sign, please SHARE.

Many thanks all.

A copy of the petition has been posted here:

Patricia Borchmann's email has been forwarded by: Ace Hoffman, Carlsbad, California

Ace's additional comment: The "seawall" between the nuclear waste dump and the Pacific Ocean is in such poor condition that Southern California Edison has to ASSUME it would be worthless against a tsunami wave. It's not nearly tall enough for proper protection, anyway. For the BEST (and perhaps ONLY) solution to the nuclear waste problem (besides not making even MORE waste) see my previous newsletter on Spent Nuclear Fuel Neutralization:

Ace Hoffman
Carlsbad, California USA
Author, The Code Killers:
An Expose of the Nuclear Industry
Free download:
Email: ace [at]
Founder & Owner, The Animated Software Company

Petition for a CEP Meeting on Preparation for a Radiation Emergency

Petition for a CEP Meeting on Preparation for a Radiation Emergency

January, 2018

Edison is now starting to move the remaining highly-radioactive uranium and plutonium nuclear waste from cooling pools into thin canisters to be stored at ground level near the beach in San Onofre.  The 3.6 million pounds of deadly nuclear waste are an enormous threat to the 8.7 million people from San Diego to Los Angeles who live in the 50 mile radius (the recommended evacuation zone at Fukushima). Some of this waste will remain lethal for hundreds of thousands of years. When SONGS was built, promises were made that the dangerous nuclear waste would be safely removed. The current plan to store this waste in the middle of two metropolitan areas for the indefinite future is irresponsible.

Hopefully there will never be any radiation incidents but history teaches us otherwise. In addition to the usual threats of accidents, fuel fires, equipment malfunction, human error, and earthquakes, we also have the threat of terrorist attacks from missiles (launched from far away or from nearby cargo ships), drones, truck bombs, and aircraft crashes. There is very little public information about possible scenarios and dangers from radioactive fallout and long-term contamination. Since we all now live near a nuclear waste dump, the public is keenly interested in what this might mean for everyone’s health and safety and the future of their communities.  The public wants to know:

(1) What are the possible threats to this area, including worst case scenarios?

(2) How will the public learn about actual radiation levels in the event of an incident? What  are the consequences of radiation exposure and radioactive contamination to life and property?

(3) In the event of a radiation emergency: (A) What will authorities do? (B) What can  members of the community do to protect themselves from radiation? (C) How can the public be educated and be made aware of these serious issues?

The petitioners below request a full CEP meeting be devoted to these issues. Furthermore, the petitioners want the lead in organizing this presentation including the selection of a moderator and 2-3 expert speakers. The organizers representing the petitioners will be Gary Headrick, Ace Hoffman, and Roger Johnson. Those signed below support this request. To join electronically, send a note to: 

NAME                                                                                     CITY