Monday, December 31, 2012

Press Release + 12-12-26 Nuclear Reactor Regulations (NRR) Meeting Request

Press Release

The DAB Safety Team: December 26, 2012

Media Contact: Don Leichtling (619) 296-9928 or Ace Hoffman (760) 720-7261

The DAB Safety Team Requests A Special Meeting With The NRR To Discuss SONGS Steam Generator Safety

In the interest of the Health & Safety of Southern Californians, the DAB Safety Team's Principal Investigator and Other Experts (Optional) wish to be invited to attend a Closed Door Confidential Meeting, Tuesday February 19, 2013 in Washington D.C., ideally to be held under oath, about SONGS' severely damaged Replacement Steam Generators and other safety related problems, before any SONGS Unit 2 restart is granted by the NRC.

The following optional observers (OO) and/or participants (P) are encouraged to attend:

·      Senator Barbara Boxer (OO),

·      Senator Diane Feinstein (OO),

·      The Full NRC Commission (OO),

·      Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations, NRR (P),

·      Atomic Safety Licensing Board Panel, ASLBP (P or O),

·      NRC Augmented Inspection Team, AIT Chief (P or O)

·      Nuclear Advisor, Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (P or O)

The DAB Safety Team has transmitted the above Request to the Chairman of the NRC, Offices of Nuclear Regulator Regulations, Atomic Safety Licensing Board and the NRC AIT Team Chief.  A list of Potential DAB Safety Team Experts/Attorneys and Agenda will follow pending acceptance of this invitation by the NRR.  Note: The DAB Safety Team is requesting this meeting in accordance with "NRC Public Meetings and Involvement", which states, "The NRC considers public involvement in, and information about, our activities to be a cornerstone of strong, fair regulation of the nuclear industry."

This press release will be posted on the web at this link: SanOnofre Papers.

The DAB Safety Team: Don, Ace and a BATTERY of safety-conscious San Onofre insiders plus industry experts from around the world who wish to remain anonymous.  These volunteers assist the DAB Safety Team by sharing knowledge, opinions and insight but are not responsible for the contents of the DAB Safety Team's reports.  We continue to work together as a Safety Team to prepare additional San Onofre Papers, which explain in detail why a SONGS restart is unsafe at any power level without a Full/Thorough/Transparent NRC 50.90 License Amendment and Evidentiary Public Hearings.  For more information please visit the link above.

Our Mission: To prevent a Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster, like Fukushima, from happening in the USA.

Copyright December 26, 2012 by The DAB Safety Team. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast or redistributed without crediting the DAB Safety Team. The contents cannot be altered without the Written Permission of the DAB Safety Team Leader and/or the DAB Safety Team's Attorneys.

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